Community Steering Committee
The Community Steering Committee is composed of Joppa residents and representatives. They oversee the Project as well as help administer it.
Members include:
Jabrille McDuffie
Cecilia Wagner
Pauline Logan
Akita Moyette
Alicia Kendrick
Tasha Muhammad
You can contact them at:
Collaboration Agreement between the Joppa Environmental Health Project Team and the Community Oversight and Advisory Committees
Our Mutual Goal
To explore perceptions on environmental hazards among Joppa residents and examine the relationship between their level of air pollution exposure and acute health outcomes.
To ensure our findings provide valid, reliable evidence to assist Joppa residents In developing new public policies to improve their environmental health.
Our Team Commitments
To use rigorous research methods to scientifically document the effects of air pollution on Joppa residents’ acute physical and psychological health.
To create a collaborative, respectful and transparent climate for our work, with all decisions about the Project made by the Team in collaboration with the Oversight and Advisory Committees using consensus, with numerous opportunities for general community input to inform that consensus-based decision making process.
To foster timely, honest and open communication in assisting each Oversight and Committee member to understand the Project’s shared vision, goals, research questions and methods.
To incorporate the first-hand experience and evidence of Joppa residents into the Project and give it prominence in our work.
To treat any conflicts and/or disagreements among Team and Committee members with mutual respect and trust to ensure each team member’s voice is heard and respected. If necessary, a third party mediator will be called upon to negotiate any unresolved conflicts.
To be accountable to the Community and Advisory Committee members as representatives working on behalf of Joppa.
To share our final results with the Oversight and Advisory Committees before they’re published.
Your Rights and Responsibilities
You have a right to ask questions about the Project at any point and expect clear answers.
You have a right to provide input about the Project at any point, as a concerned individual, or as part of the Committees overseeing the Project.
You have the right to consult with any expert of your choosing, whether they’re Committee members or not.
You have a right to regularly-scheduled meetings between the Team and the Committees to update you on Project progress and news. You have a right to schedule these meetings at a time of your own choosing in collaboration with your fellow Committee members.
You have a responsibility to attend meetings of the Committee and keep yourself informed of Committee business. If you can’t attend a meeting, it’s your responsibility to read the updates, consult with Committee and Team members and make sure you’re up to date with the Project’s progress.