Joppa Project Results
The Study Questions:
The Joppa Environmental Health Project (JEHP) focused on two study questions to understand the health of the Joppa community regarding particulate matter (PM) air pollution:
What is Joppa’s actual exposure to PM2.5 air pollution?
Are there health problems among Joppa residents linked to PM2.5 air pollution?
How Was the Study Done?
JEHP Steering Committee

We formed a Steering Committee (compromised of Joppa residents) who guided and influenced all major project decisions.
Community Engagement Events
We held several community engagement events including our Free Asthma Clinic Day where we provided asthma screenings and education to local residents.
Check out all of our events here!

SharedAirDFW's Low-cost Sensors in Joppa.
We placed 3 SharedAirDFW low-cost sensors in the Joppa community where residents were enabled access to the data via SharedAirDFW's dashboard.
Community Household Health Survey.
With the help of JEHP's Steering Committee, we created a 30-page survey in both English and Spanish covering perceptions about air pollution in Joppa and self-reporting symptoms (particularly respiratory illnesses like asthma and COPD). The survey was taken via online or paper from May - September 2022.

What Did We Find?

Past studies have shown that survey response is generally between 5-30%. Our excellent 51% survey response rate is due to our strong community engagement efforts + our on-the-ground canvassers.
Demographics of Survey Respondents

Residents' Attitudes About Air Pollution

Air quality in Joppa is poor or very poor
Air pollution in Joppa makes me and my family sick
Perceived Sources of Air Pollution

Respiratory Disease Symptoms

DFW asthma rate
Texas asthma rate
asthma rate
U.S. Black asthma rate
Joppa asthma rate

SharedAirDFW's Low-cost Sensors in Joppa
Community residents had access to the University of Texas at Dallas (Plano) SharedAirDFW Network dashboard.

SharedAirDFW Dashboard

SharedAirDFW's Carbondale 01 sensor in Joppa.

SharedAirDFW's Hull sensor in Joppa.
Joppa residents believe they breathe polluted air.
They believe that pollution is harming them and their families. ​
Surveyed Joppa residents have over 2x the amount of asthma as the DFW average and high rates of other respiratory illnesses.
Tap Below to View the
Executive Summary
(in English & Spanish)
Executive Summary
Executive Summary